My Eligibility Resource provides information you need and connects you with professionals who can help.
What you get:
Our resources about assistance programs are full of decision-making information, helping you apply successfully for assistance you need.
Free Consultations
My Eligibility Resources invites you to make us your one-stop site for connecting successfully with any program assistance and benefits that you and your family need.
Accurate Information
We research and thoroughly understand each program to keep abreast of changes that can affect you (the users of these programs).
Who owns this website?
We are a private company that offers information and useful guidance. We are not connected to or owned by any government agency.
How does this website generate revenue?
We offer you our information for free. To do so, we rely on advertisements and advertising partners to fund our website. Many of our users consent to us sharing some of their information with our marketing partners in order for them to send them offers that are relevant to them.
How do I get started?
To begin finding out what program or programs offer the help you seek, review our program pages and blogs below and connect with professionals in each program!